
Editorial Policy

        1. 1.     Peer Review Process

The peer-reviewed literature in a field is built by individual contributions that together represent the accumulated knowledge of a field. Manuscripts received are sent to editorial board/ reviewers without disclosing the author/s identity and affiliations. Manuscripts received undergo to double blind peer review and are reviewed by the members of the editorial board within their filed of specialisation as well as research acumen. Insight has a distinction which duly acknowledges the contributors about the receipt of their papers and sends comments on the overall attempt of the papers in terms of its quality, diagrams, figures and graphs etc. The reviewer’s recommendations determine whether a manuscript will be accepted/rejected/ accepted after revision and resubmission. Acceptance and rejection of the manuscript is notified to the contributing author/s. In case of acceptance, the acceptance letter from the journal editor is provided to the contributing author/s. One hard copy of the journal is sent to the contributing author/s, whose papers are accepted and published via post on their respective addresses.

Ethical Policy

Ethical Policy of the Journal


For Author/s


  • The author/s are requested to be honest and impersonal. The submitted manuscript must be the original work or contribution of the author/s. The author/s are requested to avoid guest (Gift) and ghost authorship.
  • The author/s are requested to avoid plagiarism or self-plagiarism. Any complaint of plagiarism or self-plagiarism against IJARE will be investigated and dealt strictly.
  • The author/s must duly acknowledge the previous works used in the manuscript by citing or quoting them properly. When citing someone previous work/s or your own previous work/s ensure proper citation in the text and quotation marks in case of direct quotes.
  • IJARE reserves the right to ask for supplementary or raw data when required. Any complaint against journal regarding data fabrication or falsification will be dealt strictly. The author/s are requested to avoid fabrication, manipulation or falsification of data.
  • The author/s are requested to disclose their sources of funding or financial support to avoid any complaint of competing interests.
  • The author/s must seek permission to reprint or adapt the work of others. The author/s must seek copyright permission while using material with copyright like patient images, or case details.
  • The author/s must seek approval, publication and informed consent from sample subjects while disclosing their names, identity, ensuring respect for human dignity and diversity.


For Publisher/Editor/s or Editorial Board or Review Team:

  • The editor/s, editorial board and review team must follow the ethical guidelines issued by Committee on Publication Ethics (https://publicationethics.org/) while publishing, editing, reviewing manuscripts.