
Submission Guidelines


All manuscripts should be sent to the editor through email: or post to the official address of the journal: Editor, Insight: journal of applied research in education, department of education, university of kashmir, Srinagar, J&K-190006.


Author Guidelines


Before submitting manuscripts, contributing authors must follow the author guidelines as follows:


  • Two copies of the manuscript, both in MS-Word and Pdf format along with CD should be sent to the editor either through email or post.
  • Manuscript submitted to IJARE must be contributing author/s own original work.
  • Manucripts must be submitted in English Language only.
  • Manuscript submitted to IJARE has not been published in any other journal or concurrently submitted for publication anywhere else.  
  • Each manuscript must name contain name of author/s, role/s, institutional affiliation/s, addresses and contact of the author/s.
  • Each manuscript must have an abstract (About 100 words) with research paper and it must reflect the true representation of your theme.
  • Each manuscript must be accompanied by a declaration by the contributor that it represents the original work which has neither been published nor submitted for the publication elsewhere.
  • Referencing Style:

Author/s must follow the referencing style used by American Psychological Association and for this, the Publication Manual of American Psychological Association 6th Edition should be consulted.

Citations in the text: Ensuring every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list. Avoidance of citation in abstract is highly appreciated.

Reference list: Reference list must be carefully arranged in alphabetical order and should be placed at the end of the manuscript according to the APA (6-7th Edition) referencing style: List of references should reflect only those sources cited in the text of the manuscript. In case of various references from same author/s with same date/s, one must place letters “a”, “b”, “c” after the year of publication.


Manuscript Format:


  • Font, Font Size & Colour: Times New Roman, 12-point, Black
  • Page Size & Margins: A4 (8.5x11 Inches), 1 Inch (All sides of every page).
  • Alignment: Justified for text in paragraphs and left alignment in case of Headings
  • Spacing: Single space after periods and double-spaced line spacing
  • Page Numbering: Centre in footer area.



Order of the Manuscript

Title page:

Title of the study: (centre aligned)

Author/s: Name, Position, Institutional affiliation/s,

Contact details: Address, Phone, Email


Italics, Single paragraph, brief, accurate, nonevaluative, coherent, readable, comprehensive summary of the article,


Italics, Upto 8 words.



Methodology & Procedure:






            As per the publication manual of APA 6/7th Ed.


For theoretical, empirical, methodological articles, book reviews and other types of articles, follow Chapter 2. Manuscript Structure and Content; (p 21-59) and Appendix; Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS) (p 247- 253) of “The publication Manual of American Psychological Association” 6th Ed.

Publication Fee:

No article proceessing charges (APC) or publication fee

© Copyright

The publishing rights i.e., rights related to publication and distributions, control, reuse by others, handle the paper work involved in copyright registration and administration of manuscripts accepted is transferred to publisher of Insight: journal of the applied research in education. The copyright license is transferred to publisher; and the copyright transfer includes both print and electronic rights; however, author/s hold right/s to reuse and share their own published manuscripts in several ways.


 Except where otherwise noted, the online version of Insight: journal of applied in education is licensed under crative common License: CC Attribution - Non-commercial - No Derivative 3.0 Unported License, which permits unrestric ted use, distrubution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.